The Christian Contingent

Can the enemy predict the future?

NO, the enemy cannot predict the future. But what about Nostradamus? He was probably hearing and repeating what he heard from the enemy and he was not 100% correct, which the Bible is. What might have happened is the enemy knew where he wanted to push the human race and told these things to Nostradamus. He knew what had been foretold by Nostradamus and made things happen so that the sayings would come true or true enough to deceive many. Again, the enemy is not perfect in his predictions of the future. God is perfect in all of the prophecies in the Bible. All of the information in the Bible is perfect for that matter. The enemy is a student of the past who is very intelligent, knows all of the Bible, and can quote it better than any human who ever lived. What he does with this knowledge is give people information that is almost perfect, but not quite. If the information the enemy gives is perfect then it is only to gain the confidence of the person who is listening, then they will crush the person who trusted in them.


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