The Christian Contingent

What are people thinking these days? What are they expecting? They are hearing about all of the destructive things that our leaders are doing to us and doing nothing about it. They keep electing the same ilk of person into the Whitehouse. There are no longer two parties. There are no longer people who are truly interested in doing the right thing when in office. The only one that I could point to is the Governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis! (Maybe the Governor of Texas)

When the WEF declares that they are “mocking up” a pandemic scenario and then three months later it happens? When they proclaim that the world needs a “Great Reset” and the leaders of the world use the pandemic to do just that?!! Is no one paying attention???? In the US it is a case of I am comfortable so do not make it come to My Back Yard!! When it does then I will have to do someting about it, until then, status quo as long as it does not affect me, I DO NOT CARE.


Proof you say? When the millions of illegal aliens were coming into Texas, nobody wanted to do anything. They shut down a school in NY to house (some) of the illegals that are here, and it hits the front page news! Why? Because it was in THEIR back yard. Proof about the great reset? Why would all of Washington DC let the southern border be wide open, closing rail commerce bridges for the people to walk across, and actively fighting the governor of Texas when he tries to protect his state from being overrun?! Why would they do that? The only reason that I can think of is evil.

The enemy

This is the enemy that we are facing here. Not a politician. Not a political party. Not a group of people in any form. BUT it is most deffinitely the principalities, the powers, the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual wickedness in heavenly places. (Ephesians 6:12-18)

In the movie Nefarious, the demon asks the human if he was ready for another round? The answer was, “I did not realize that this was a fight.” To that the demon said, “That is why you are LOSING!!” If we do not realize that this life is a fight against the demonic forces arrayed against our LORD, then we will be caught in the crossfire and end up being more of a tool for the enemy than neutral. Here, we are either for Him or against Him, there is no inbetween. We make a decision for God so that we can live forever, or we stay with the dead in spirit and keep going towards Hell.

A Contender


One response to “An FYI”

  1. This is a whopper

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