The Christian Contingent

Who is the enemy

The enemy are fallen angels. God created angels in the beginning when the earth was being formed. Lucifer was the greatest of all the angels and then wanted what God had. When he became prideful and started to lust after the things that were God’s, he wanted to be exalted above everyone and everything, including God. So, he rebelled against God. Other angels went with Lucifer into rebellion against the God who made them. These angels are doomed to reside for eternity in the lake of fire which was created for them (Hell). Lucifer is now called the Devil or Satan. Satan means “accuser” and is used in the Bible to indicate other people. It has been used for so long as the name for the accuser (Lucifer) that it became a proper name for him. The other angels who rebelled against God are called demons. Evil spirits and other ghosts are these fallen angels, not roaming evil dead as some people claim.


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