The Christian Contingent

Hell is REAL

The Bible says more about Hell than about heaven. The Bible speaks to the fact that Hell is a real place.

Hell is not just one place

The Hell that people are in now is a place called Hades. It is a place that is in the earth where the people who die and have not accepted Jesus as their Savior go temporarily. Sheole was the place where everyone went before Jesus. Luke 16:19-31 speaks of the two places in Sheole where all people went. It was seperated by an impassable barrier seperating the place of torment “Hades” and the place of paradise called Abrahams Bosom. When Jesus was raised from the dead “He took captivity captive” after “He also first decended into the lower parts of the earth” (Ephesians 4:8-9). The captives that were taken by Jesus were the people in Abrahams Bosom. He took them to heaven, to be with Him there.

The Lake of Fire

The people in Hades must stay there until after the tribulation ends and the end of the millenial reign of Jesus. That is when the Great White Throne judgement takes place and at that time they will be judged and cast into the lake of fire with the devil and all his angels.

Resurrection of the Physical Body

The resurrection of the physical body will be different for believers and nonbelievers. Believers will be bodily resurrected at the return of Christ to the earth after the tribulation period. Believers will be reigning and ruling with Christ during the millenium.

Hell and Heaven are FOREVER

The Bible makes it clear that what we choose when we are alive here on earth will make the choice of where you will spend eternity (FOREVER). You will be in your new regenerated body. In Heaven you will not feel any pain, in Hell you will feel mostly pain, and whatever else you feel will not be any better. The choices we make while we are naturally alive on this earth will detemine where you will go when you die. When Jesus returns, believers who died will live with Him in their supernatural bodies, those believers who are still alive when He returns will live on in their natural bodies. These people will be regenerated when the millenium ends and everyone is raised from the dead, some to everlasting life, some to everlasting death.


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