The Christian Contingent

Author: A Contender

  • January 2025!

    We have elected Donald J. Trump to be president again. There is a court that is continuing the lawfare against Trump. California is on fire, again, burning much of LA. The flood gates are about to spring forth with all sorts of conservative leaning policies, thoughts, actions, and speeches. For example Mark Zuckerburg announcing that…

  • Is Donald Trump the Antichrist?

    NO! There are many prophecies that need to be fulfilled along with the revealing of the Antichrist, and when he is revealed we will know for certain who it is. The mystery of lawlessness is already at work which is the power and authority of the enemy. It may be at work in DJT, not…

  • Pauls Quick Rules for Christian Life

    1: Edification over gratification. 2: Others over self. 3: Liberty over legalism. 5: Condescension over condemnation. (Do not agree, and voice it, without condemning the other person for their view/actions.) These are found in 1 Corinthians 10:23-30.

  • Can the enemy do miracles?

    The enemy can create seemingly miraculous events such as wreaking natural disasters, inflicting diseases, and manipulating people’s perceptions, all under God’s permission. These acts may aim to deceive people into mistaking the Antichrist for the Messiah. However, believers in Jesus Christ possess the Holy Spirit’s power, making them stronger than the enemy and protected by…

  • Should we confess?

    Yes, we should always be ready to confess our sins. To whom shall we confess? God. We do not have to confess to anyone else in our lives. But it helps. If we confess our faults to our loved ones that we can trust, someone who will give us a true and honest response, we…

  • When we make the choice to believe.

    When we make the choice to believe and confess, we are saved. When we are saved, many things happen at the same time. God takes our heart of stone, and gives us a heart of flesh. We are brought back to life spiritually, or born again, and seated with Christ in the heavenlies. We are…

  • Free Choice?

    Do we have free choice? Do we have the choice to accept or not accept the free gift of eternal life? Yes! Are Calvinists right? Or are the Arminians right? No. Neither are correct. If you read the Bible you will find out that either of these views is not totally correct. They both have…

  • Are we in the Last Days?

    Yes! Yes, that is the short answer. We know the Bible says in the last days Israel will be back in the land, they will be growing fruits and vegitables, the land will bloom and regrow. This has happened. They have planted millions of trees, and multitudes of flowers and other plants. They are reclaiming…

  • The Message of Isaiah

         This essay will show that the overall message of Isaiah is redemption by showing that God is Omniscient, Omnipotent and He gives us chances of repentance.      Isaiah’s writings can be broken up into two groups chs.1-39, before the captivity which focus on judgement and chs. 40-66 post captivity where salvation and comfort are…

  • Amos and Minor Prophets

                The words of Amos can be summed up into five words “Prepare to meet thy God (4:12b).” This sounds harsh, but it is true. The message of Amos is condemnation.      Condemnation may be the message but he ends with hope.[1] The condemnation of Syria is first (1:3-5), followed by Philistia (1:6-8), Tyre (1:9-10),…