Author: A Contender
Old in New Testament
In his address to the Ephesians, Paul uses a commandment given at Mt. Sinai and restated in Deuteronomy. The letter is mostly about relationships and the “family according to God’s originally intended design for it.”[1] Paul is using a quote from the Old Testament law for instructing the New Testament Ephesians, that can be…
Messiah, the Second Psalm
The second Psalm starts by talking about the earthly rulers raging against God’s anointed king. They do not seem to realize that when they make war with God’s anointed that “they are making war against God.[1]” It speaks about the anointed king who is David, and it skips to a king who is the…
Church or Israel
The role that the church plays in relation to Israel has been a subject of controversy for many generations. Many wonder, has the church supplanted Israel? Is the church a substitution for Israel? Or could the church just be an extension of Israel, a new and improved Israel? Here are some explanations. In…
Hell is REAL
The Bible says more about Hell than about heaven. The Bible speaks to the fact that Hell is a real place. Hell is not just one place The Hell that people are in now is a place called Hades. It is a place that is in the earth where the people who die and have…
Notes From “A Survey of the Old Testament”
Sometimes we may be surprised at what we find. We should also be encouraged when we occasionally meet the unexpected in Scripture—that is, when the Scriptures convince us of the truth of something that changes our minds or leads us down paths once hidden from view. If we acknowledge the authority of Scripture, we must…
Systematic Theology
In this first essay in the Systematic Theology class the meaning and importance of Systematic Theology will be explored. Systematic Theology helps us to know what God wants us to believe by studying the Bible for evidence of doctrines to be followed in life and taught through classes and from the pulpit.[1] The…
Cessationalism vs. Continuationalism
The Spiritual gifts are fully active and present in Christians today. There is a general discussion of the Holy Spirit still indwelling believers which means that He is still active in the world today. If He is indwelling believers, why would he not be actively providing the gifts? Do not Peter and Paul say that…
Is the enemy perfect?
NO, the enemy is not perfect. The only one who can be perfect is God. Jesus is perfect, Jesus is God. God has seen the end from the beginning (Isaiah 46:10). God knows what is going to happen, the enemy can only guess. That is why the enemy cannot tell us perfectly what is going…
Can the enemy predict the future?
NO, the enemy cannot predict the future. But what about Nostradamus? He was probably hearing and repeating what he heard from the enemy and he was not 100% correct, which the Bible is. What might have happened is the enemy knew where he wanted to push the human race and told these things to Nostradamus.…
Can they win?
There is no chance that the enemy can win, and they know it. God is the creator, sustainer, beginning and end of all things. It is not a case of the little guy against the giant, it is a case of the shovel against the human. God and the enemy are not anyway comparable. One…