The Christian Contingent

Author: A Contender

  • What does the enemy want?

    They are fallen angels who are destined for the lake of fire. They know it. They want to hurt God, and the only way they can accomplish that is to hurt us, which in turn hurts God. We are not soldiers of God nor does God need us, but we are caught in the enemy’s…

  • Where does the enemy dwell

    The enemy dwells in the realm of God and His angels. We call this realm the Spiritual Realm. Can this realm interact with ours? Yes, it most certainly can. We cannot generally see this realm but there are many places in the Bible where it is obvious to individuals. Jacob on his way to Haran…

  • Who is the enemy

    The enemy are fallen angels. God created angels in the beginning when the earth was being formed. Lucifer was the greatest of all the angels and then wanted what God had. When he became prideful and started to lust after the things that were God’s, he wanted to be exalted above everyone and everything, including…

  • Immanence and Transcendence

         When Erickson discusses these concepts, he makes the point of mentioning that they are opposed to each other, but then speaks of them needing to be considered together. To be kept in balance with each other. Many people feel that they are opposed to each other and take them to extremes such as Pantheism…

  • Our Spirit

    We are born with a spirit that is dead. When we accept the grace of God and receive the gift of Jesus Christ, our spirit is born to life and through our spirit we are seated with Christ in the heavenlies. We battle the enemy with our flesh, soul, and spirit. Before we are saved,…

  • Spiritual Warfare: Our Churches

    Spiritual Warfare: Our Churches      The term Spiritual Warfare is a misnomer. It is a misleading term that makes it sound like there is a chance that God could lose. That is not the case. We as Christians, are victorious already, through the blood of Jesus Christ that was shed on the cross. All that…

  • An FYI

    What are people thinking these days? What are they expecting? They are hearing about all of the destructive things that our leaders are doing to us and doing nothing about it. They keep electing the same ilk of person into the Whitehouse. There are no longer two parties. There are no longer people who are…

  • The Enemy

    Who is the Enemy? The enemy are created beings. A fallen angel and his fellow fallen angels. The most powerful fallen angel is Lucifer who is described in the Bible as a glorious being who wants to be like The Most High. That is what caused his fall from heaven. It is commonly accepted that…